Test: Basic A
Has attended Laura Stamm Power Skating for the first time, no actual test.
Test: Basic AA
This is the first test given. It covers the basic materials that a student should remember from the previous year. Students differ in skill level and age so this test is sometimes skipped. Occasionally this test is given during the students first year at the clinic if their skills are adequate for this level.
- Drag toes, touch heels in v/diamond
- Stride/touch, heels in v/diamond
- Hockey stop, parallel edges (one outside, one inside)
- Forward inside edges. Two on each foot.
- Knee drops, forward and backward (no hands on ice)
- Three knee drops skating forward
- Three knee drops skating backwards
- Forward C-cuts. Glide on a straight line.
All of these techniques are covered in our standard clinics
Test: Intermediate A
This test is the second test given. It is designed
for students who are taking the clinic for their third time. Students differ
in skill level and age so test is sometimes skipped.
- Forward leg lifts - front, side, back.
- Forward stride, with proper arm swing
- Backward inside edges, two on each foot
- Forward outside edges - X cuts (at least two times on each foot)
- Backward C-cuts - good push and complete leg recovery, finishing with
backward one foot snowplow stop
- One foot hops, 3 on each foot, 3 backward on each foot, good knee bend
- Forward crossovers on circles. Strong outside edges
All of these techniques are covered in our standard clinics
Test: Intermediate AA
This test is designed for students who have taken the clinic for three years so far and
should have a very good understanding on how the techniques are done
correctly. Unlike the first two tests, this test cannot be skipped.
- Backward leg lifts: front, side, back
- Forward C-cuts around circles. Good C-cut push and good outside edges
- Backward C-cuts around circles. Good C-cut push and good outside edges
- Forward starts, one step on toes
- Backward crossovers, C-cut push, and X push, both directions
- Backward crossover starts, both sides.
- Forward stride, showing glide pattern (outside edge to inside edge)
- Forward S-Drill, left and right foot, showing good outside and inside edges
All of these techniques, with the exception of the Forward S-Drill are covered in our standard clinics.
The S-Drill is covered in our Advanced and Elite clinics.
Because of the time consuming nature and the difficulty of them, the following tests are mainly given at our advanced or higher clinics. Depending on instructor availability these tests may be given privately.
Test: Advanced A
- Backward S-Drill, strong outside and inside edges.
- Backward X cuts with leg touching hockey stick, on strong outside edges
- Forward starts, two steps on toes, showing some distance
- Start forward, skate forward, stop, start with backward
crossover start, skate backward, stop (stop and start backward on both sides)
- Crossover starts, two steps on toes, both sides, showing some distance
- Advanced level, forward and backward stride, forward and
backward crossovers at speed
- Turn drill with hockey stick- backward C-cut, V, push into
forward stride, drag toe. Both sides
All of these techniques, with the exception of the
Backward S-Drill are covered in our standard clinics.
The S-Drill is covered in our Advanced and Elite clinics.
Test: Advanced AA
- Lateral Mobility, forward and backward Side to side jumps,
showing distance, not height, land on inside edges
- Front starts, three steps on toes. Power, quickness, and distance
- Side (crossovers) Starts, three steps on toes. Power, quickness, and distance
- Backward crossover starts. Power, quickness, and distance
Note: All crossover moves must be done on both sides
These techniques are all covered in our standard clinics.
Test: All Star A
- Starts four steps on toes. Full distance
- Backward to forward turns, showing acceleration and correct
pushes out of the turns (V and crossover turns)
- Circle turns, no crossovers, on deep edges: backward, forward,
backward, etc.
- Obstacle course at speed, showing speed and agility: Land jumps
and accelerate with no hesitation between strides.
- S Drill, forward and backward, with high hops
These techniques are mainly taught in our advanced and elite clinics.
The toe starts are also taught in our standard clinics.
Test: All Star AA
All moves in the All Star A test, now performed with the puck.
- Forward stride, backward stride, forward and backward crossovers,
starts (front, side, and backward crossovers on both sides)
- Acceleration - slow to fast - double pump (straight away and corners)
- Slow to fast, frontal
- Slow to fast, using crossovers (both sides)
- Five to six strides on straight away at full speed
Elite Skater
This is the final test given and because of its difficult nature, it can
only be given by certain instructors and is only given privately.
- Forward lateral mobility with puck
- Skate forward, jump over stick, land on toe, accelerate forward.
- frontal position, with puck.
- crossover position, without puck.
- Stops and starts with puck. All starts must have four steps on toes
- Backward crossovers, slow to fast- both directions
- Bulling (protecting puck), both sides
- Forward crossovers, slow to fast, accelerate around corners,
with puck
- Tight turns, figure 8's, exit tight turn accelerating with
crossover start on toes. Without, then with puck
- Shooting off inside edges.
- Transition - forward to backward, backward to forward:
F to far blue line, turn B. B to near blue line, turn F.
Skate to far end. Two times, both sides.
- Transition - B to F, F to B: Start in corners:
3 strides B, turn F. 3 strides F, turn B.
Repeat and end up at far end in opposite corner.Both sides.
- Windmill turns, both sides.
These techniques are reserved for our Advanced and Elite clinics. The
transitions and tight turns are also taught at our 8 hour clinics.
To view some of these techniques click Clips or to purchase a Video or DVD click Merchandise.
by Laura Stamm, © 1993, 2004