On Ice Power Skating
For Hockey Players!

Holiday Clinics

Which group should I choose?

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Core Techniques Clinic

Recommended for all skaters 7-10; skaters ages 11+ who want to improve their core skating skills or are new to Laura Stamm Power Skating; skaters up to age 13 playing house-level hockey; and adult novice league skaters.

Advanced Techniques Clinic

Recommended for skaters 11+ who want to develop more advanced skating skills OR skaters ages 9 or 10 who have previous experience with the Laura Stamm Power Skating system; AND are playing at least at a travel hockey level.

Elite Techniques Clinic

Recommended for dedicated, proficient, high-level skaters who want to push their skills to the limit AND have a recommendation from a Laura Stamm instructor OR are playing at U14+ AAA, Junior A, college level or equivalent hockey.

Power Skating Clinic


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