On Ice Power Skating
For Hockey Players!

Clinic Needs

Clinic needs from the rink.

Display Table: We need a display table and 2 or 3 chairs each day an hour before and during the clinic.
We do not need any lecture rooms or any indoor or outdoor off ice training facilities.
Nets: Please, no nets on the ice.
Posted on duty rink manager cell number would be nice just in case we need to chase someone down for a scheduled resurface or other emergency situation.

    All of our Clinic offerings are Co-ed.
  • Groups: We offer two types of clinics.
    • 2 Hour Blocks/day: If we only reserved 2 hr blocks per day, this is a combined group clinic for ages 7-Adult.
    • 4 Hour Blocks/day: If we reserved 4 hr blocks per day, this is a 2 group clinic. The first 2 hr is Group A for ages 7-10. The second 2 hrs is Group B for ages 10 to Adult.
  • Locker Rooms:
    • These are Co-ed clinics. We need separate changing rooms for the males and females.
    • We also need separate changing rooms for ages 7-10 and ages 10-Adult. A lot of hockey moms need to help their 7 yr old sons tie their skates. We don't want them in the same changing rooms as the teenage or adult males are taking showers. Young and older females often do share the same changing rooms. This is usually not an issue except in the 2 hour block combined group clinics.
    • We need a separate changing room for our staff. The referees room is usually satisfactory.
  • Resurface Times:
    • For Safety, we need a resurface before we take the ice each day.
    • 2 Hour Blocks/day Combined Group Clinic. The instructor may request a resurface about half way through the 2 hour block on Days 2, 3, and 4 only. This depend largely on the age distribution of the participants.
    • 4 Hour Blocks/day 2 group clinics.
      • We need a 10 min resurface in the exact middle of the 4 hour block each day. For example if the 4 hour block is from 5:30 - 9:30 pm, we need a resurface from 7:25-7:35 pm each day. If from 10 am - 2 pm, we need a resurface from 11:55 am - 12:05 pm each day.
      • The instructor will likely request an additional resurface about half way through the second 2 hours on days 2, 3 and 4. For example about half way between 7:30 and 9:30 pm or Noon - 2 pm in the examples above. We focus a lot on using edges on days 2 to 4 so the ice gets torn up by the older group. The younger group usually does not require an additional resurface but the instructor may request one anyway.

    Thank you for your consideration and the use of your facilities.

    The Laura Stamm Staff

    by Alan and Bob Noble
    email [email protected]


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